TTISI Talent Insights Engagement FAQ

With the introduction of the newest Talent Insights based report, here are some of the questions we are getting.

Does this report come with Legacy Motivators?

Yes, we have released this report with Legacy Motivators as an option. If you do not see it in your account, please let a Solutions Consultant know so we can get it added.

Can I convert to or from this report?

Yes, this report can be converted to any standard Talent Insights report!

Can I compare people with this report?

Yes, you can compare two Talent Insights Engagement Reports with each other.  This is done using the new Talent Insights Engagement Comparison Report.

Can this report be used in a team report?

As with the comparison report, we are developing a team report for this report, it cannot be put into any of the current team reports we have available.  Please watch the product updates section of for when a team report becomes available.

What is the Behavioral Continuum?

The horizontal behavioral continuum is a new view of DISC. While the traditional vertical graph requires two graphs for Natural and Adapted scores, the horizontal DISC continuum includes both scores, new descriptors for increased understanding, and “P and C” words to help describe the continuum. The most exciting part of this new continuum is the elimination of high and low scores. Instead of an individual being a “low D”, for example, you now have the language and tools to explain that they are somewhat Reflective when it comes to Problems and Challenges.

How do I read the new DISC graph?

We have an article dedicated to doing just that, please click here to view it!

Will this report be available in other languages?

We have started the process of translating this report into other languages, however, this can be a lengthy process.  Please watch the product updates section of for news on when new languages are available.

Where can I get a sample of this report?

There are sample reports and marketing materials available on, click here for a direct link to the page.


If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908.  We will be happy to help.