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  2. The Prioritized Leader

The Prioritized Leader FAQ

Have a question about The Prioritized Leader (TPL)? Check here for answers to the most common questions.

How can I find and download a copy of my report?

Your report is located in your Learn account, while your client's report will be accessible under Manage Users.

Can I send clients to TPL training? 

No, this training is only available for Value Added Associates (VAAs) and their team members.

Is there a discount if I send multiple people to TPL training? 

Not at this time. 

After I attend training, can my team also sell TPL reports?

Only certified individuals will have an account with access to purchase and assign TPL products. Only certified individuals should be debriefing the Prioritized Leader report.

How do I get my clients access to TPL before my training?

The product suite is not available until you have been trained on how to use it properly.

Is there a way to view a whole department’s results, maybe a team report?

Not at this time.

Are there bulk discounts? If so, which products?

Yes, there are bulk price breaks starting at 11 for the modules. There is no bulk discount for the assessment unless purchased as part of The Prioritized Leader (All Modules + Assessment) product. Bulk discounts are applied in the Learn Cart during the checkout process.

TPL Discount 11 - 25 5 %
TPL Discount 26 - 50 10 %
TPL Discount 51 - 100 15 %
TPL Discount 101 - 200 20 %

Why do we not get a bulk discount on TPL assessments? 

This assessment is not like our other assessments. TPL not only assesses but has a full workbook and goal setting process built-in. This product is a selling tool for you as the VAA and when you go through the training you will learn how to use it to do so.

Can I use IDS or do I have to use the Learn platform to sign a client up?

The product suite is sent and utilized via the Learn platform. To get started, see this article.

Can I get a refund on unused products?

For TPL assessments, you need to request a refund on Learn. A TTI SI team member will assist with processing your request.

Is there a complimentary version available?

We do not have a complimentary version available at this time. If you are a VAA and would like to sample the report, please contact your Business Development Consultant (BDC). They can add a TPL assessment into your Learn account for free to sample.

Where can I view my TPL pricing?

My.ttisi.com - "Pricing Guide" located here.
You can also view your cost and retail pricing directly through your Learn account after becoming Master Certified.

What marketing resources do you have for TPL?

The available marketing materials can be found on my.ttisi.com on the downloadable resources page. Found here.

Can I order the TPL assessment for a client if I am not certified?

No, in order to administer this assessment, you must be certified.

What is the discount we get as a VAA? 

There is no discount. TPL is a separate product and all certified individuals have access to the product suite at the same price, regardless of price level.

Do I pay ahead of time, or does my client? 

Yes, all TPL products are paid for before we grant access to the product.

I purchased the wrong product, how do I switch it out for the correct one?

Call TTI SI at (800) 869-6908 and ask for technical support for TPL products or email learn@ttisi.com.

My client is no longer continuing with my service, how do I cancel their assessment/unused product?

As long as the product is unused, you can call us at (800) 869-6908 and we will process the refund for you.

How long does it take my client to go through all 5 modules?

3-4 hours for the video modules. The corresponding workbooks depend on effort invested.

How long does my client have access to the video modules?

They will have indefinite access to the video modules. Access will only be removed, if the VAAs requests it.

If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908.  We will be happy to help.