Demographic Options and Information

Last Updated: July 2023

TTI SI assessments are used by a wide range of people with different identities and needs in the workplace. 

“Demographics are used to better understand the population in order to focus our efforts,” Dr. Ron Bonnstetter, Senior Vice President of Research and Product Development at TTI SI. “They’re used to improve the overall experience of assessments and to help identify qualities and unique characteristics of groups.”

 Filling out demographics is optional for assessment end-users and this information cannot be viewed by their employers, their companies, or the coach issuing the assessment, ensuring confidentiality.

Demographics can be turned on and off according to your clients’ needs. If you want to turn off the demographic questions, look for the “Collect Demographics” section while setting up your link and select ‘None’.


If None is selected, there will still be 3 questions asked: name, email, and pronoun. This information is used to populate and deliver the assessment. 

If you want to know more about pronoun options, take a look here.

Demographic information is collected voluntarily. As we said, it can be turned off so end-users don’t see it at all. If it is turned on, they still don’t have to complete the Demographics— it’s optional. Over 90% of people complete them as provided.

The following questions are presented if the demographics option is turned on. An assessment taker can answer as many questions as they would like or none at all.

If the assessment-taker chooses to complete the Demographic Information, they contribute to a global database of information gathered on the people who take TTI SI assessments. 


If you need additional support, please email or call (800) 869-6908. Our team is happy to help.