1. IDS
  2. Report Management

What Pronoun Options are Available?

In order to allow for a more inclusive experience, we have added more options for gender and pronouns on our assessments.

What are the pronoun options?

A number of people are used to the pronouns He/Him and She/Her, but many people do not fit into this binary system. As a result, the need for gender-neutral pronoun options in our assessments has increased to support a diverse workplace.

Respondents have always been able to select their gender at the beginning of the assessment, and that selection dictated what pronouns were used throughout the report. 

Now with the gender-neutral pronoun option available, respondents are able to choose between she/her, he/him, they/them, and Prefer Not to Say.

Why did we make this change?

We broke it down on our blog; “After internal research as well as national and international requests, we are launching a gender-neutral pronoun option. This reflects the understanding that people of all identities should be able to harness the potential revealed by our assessments.”

Where can I learn more?

If you’re looking for more information about gender, pronouns, and inclusion in the workplace, we’ve compiled more information for you here: 

Gender, Pronouns, & Inclusion in the Workplace: What You Need to Know



If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908.  We will be happy to help.