When reviewing and debriefing a DISC report, the Core, Primary, and Pure styles are referenced. What are they and what is the difference?
Core Style
A Core style is the factor highest above the energy line. In the above graph, the core style would be the respondent's S factor.
Primary Style
The primary style is always the dimension furthest from the midline. The primary style can be above or below the midline.
Over 30% of respondents have a primary style below the energy line. The graph above is an example of this, as their D score is 43 points below the line, where the S is only 42 points above.
The secondary style is the next farthest from the midline and can be either above or below. Sometimes both the primary and secondary styles are above the midline.
Pure Style
A pure style is when someone has a single dimension above the energy line with all others below. It is more observable if the score is high (especially 100).
Pure types are rare, below is the number in the United States:
Pure high D - less than 1% of the population.
Pure High I - about 2% of the population.
Pure High S - about 0.5% of the population.
Pure High C - about 0.25% of the population.
Pure High I - about 2% of the population.
Pure High S - about 0.5% of the population.
Pure High C - about 0.25% of the population.
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