1. IDS
  2. Report Management

Why can’t I find my respondent's information or report?

It can be unsettling when you can't find a report that was previously in your account. Below we have provided information on what might have happened. 

What could have happened?

Which link settings would enable the respondent’s data to automatically be erased?

What do each of the Response Expiration options mean?

Am I able to change the Response Expiration date?

How will the erasure requests appear in my account if the respondent selects another date?

Term Glossary

I can't find the report for one of my respondents, what could have happened?

Please Note: TTI Success Insights staff will not remove respondents’ data from your account without your consent. 

So what happened?

Two situations are amongst the most common; 

1) The respondent submitted a request through our GDPR website for their information to be removed, and a team member from your business, with access to your account, approved this request.

2) The respondent took the assessment through a link that has a setting that allows the respondent's information to expire after a set period of time. 

Which link settings would enable the respondent’s data to automatically be erased?

If the link was set to any of the selections aside from the first one in the list below, the data will be erased after the designated period of time:



The second and fourth options in this list give the respondent the opportunity to select a time frame that better suits them. The respondent will see the image below on their final assessment page:

The respondent can choose selections between 30 days and 1 year.

What do each of the Response Expiration options mean?

  • Respondent information never expires.

This means that unless the respondent goes to the GDPR website and requests for their information to be removed, or you remove it on their behalf, their information will remain within your account without expiration.

  • Respondent information is not automatically deleted, but allow the user to pick the number of days until their respondent information will be deleted.

This means that at the end of the assessment, the respondent will have the option to choose the amount of time until their information is removed or anonymized from the database.

  • Delete the respondent information after the following amount of time.

This means that the respondent information will automatically be removed or anonymized from the database and your account at the designated timeframe assigned to the link. This cannot be changed once an assessment has been completed.

  • Delete the respondent information after the following amount of time, but allow respondent to pick an earlier date.

This means that the respondent's information will automatically be deleted or anonymized from the database and your account at the designated time frame and the respondent will be given the option to change that to a shorter period of time.

Am I able to change the Response Expiration date?

All links have the capability to be modified to another Response Expiration option. However, those changes will only apply to future respondents, and will not change the erasure dates for respondent data obtained prior to the link being modified.

How will the erasure requests appear in my account if the respondent selects another date?

The platform will schedule one or two erasure orders, one for what the Link promised and one for what the respondent requested (if anything).

The image below reflects the link setting as 60 days and the respondent selection of 30 days. When logged in, the data controller will see information similar to what is reflected in the image in their Erasure Requests.

Term Glossary:

Respondent- The client, associate, team member, or otherwise designated individual that responds to a TTI SI assessment.

Data Controller- The Data Controller is the individual or company responsible for distributing assessments to a determined respondent, also known as the VAA/Network Partner.

Data Processor- TTI SI is the processor of personal data in regard to the processing of the designated products.

“A controller is the entity that determines the purposes, conditions, and means of the processing of personal data, while the processor is an entity which processes personal data on behalf of the controller.”

Response Expiration- This is the setting within the TTI SI platform that controls the default data retention period.

VAA/Network Partner- An individual contracted with TTI SI to utilize the assessments as a part of their products and services.

Personal Data- Any information related to a data subject that can be used to directly or indirectly identify the person.


If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908.  We will be happy to help.