Understanding the Difference in Report Types

Each of our assessments provides insight into different aspects of an individual. Picking the right assessment(s) is key to getting the best outcome for your client.

Single Sciences 

DISC - This is an insight into an individuals behaviors.

Working From Home - A short survey that offers some tips on how to work effectively at home. 

12 Driving Forces® - Provides insights on an individual's personal motivations and engagement style.

DNA - This report provides an insight into the core competencies of an individual, 23 for the Legacy version, and 25 for the current version 3.

EQ - This provides insights into an individual's emotional intelligence. 

ACI - This is an insight Single Sciences into a person's acumen.

Certification in TriMetrix® HD is required for the ACI report to be available.


TTI Talent Insights® - This is a combination of the DISC and Driving Forces reports.

TriMetrix DNA - This is a combination of the DISC, Driving Forces, and DNA reports.

TriMetrix EQ - This is a combination of the DISC, Driving Forces, and EQ reports.

TriMetrix ACI - This is a combination of the DISC, Driving Forces, and ACI reports.

TriMetrix HD - This is a combination of the DISC, Driving Forces, DNA, and ACI reports.

Certification is required for the TriMetrix HD report to be available.

Diagnostic Tools

Stress Quotient® - This assessment is meant to identify workplace stressors in a population.

Target Selling Insights - This assessment is aimed to help someone improve in the field of sales.

The Prioritized Leader - This assessment  gives a clear framework to better understand which business-focused priorities need to be at the top

Job Benchmarking

Only available for the following reports: Talent Insights, TriMetrix DNA & TriMetrix HD (Certification Required).

Talent - Only contains the scores, does not include coaching information.

Job - Taken by individual Subject Matter Experts (SME) to rate the criteria for the job.

JOBMR - Multi-Respondent Job Benchmark that combines up to 10 SME Job reports,                                        providing an average score for the final benchmark.

JTC - Job/Talent Comparison that compares up to five candidates to a job benchmark.

GAP - Compares one candidate to a benchmark, shows the gap between the scores of the candidate and the benchmark score.

Report Versions

Most reports have multiple versions created to target specific audiences.  Here is a breakdown of the versions available.

Executive - This coaching version of the report is written with language directed towards C-suite leadership in the Behavioral Characteristics section. 

Management/Staff - This coaching version of the report uses general terminology and is meant to be used for most people and positions.

Sales - This report version measures the Sales capacity of a person based on their behavior.  It also includes extra pages on how a respondent will perform in a sales-related position by assessing potential areas of strength and weakness for salespeople.

Talent - This is a very condensed version of the report often used for the purpose of hiring and job placement. 


If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908.  We will be happy to help.