How can I prepare for my certification exam? (Best Practices)

Many of our Value Added Associates ask what the best way is to prepare before a certification exam. Here are a few tips, tricks, and best practices that may help.

Log In to Learn

If you are the Primary VAA on the account, you should already have access to the courses for all of our sciences. They can also be made available to your clients by utilizing a Paid Learn Subscription. If you are the Primary VAA on the account and do not have access to learn, please reach out to the solutions consultant team.
Not sure what the Learn Subscription Model is? Click here to learn more.

Read the Manual

There are digital manuals available in Learn within each of the courses. You can also visit the store on MyTTISI at this link and order a copy. 

Read through a report

Reading through one of the reports for the science that you are preparing to get certified in can be an excellent way to familiarize yourself with the knowledge necessary to pass the exam.

Make it stick by attending a virtual training session

Sometimes reading through the material just isn't enough. To expand your knowledge, connect with others in the network, and get the opportunity to ask questions, you can attend one of our (virtual) training sessions. You can find a list of available dates by visiting our event calendar here.

Take the Practice Exams 

On Learn, we have the practice exams available for you under the DISC and 12 Driving Forces courses in the Materials tab. You may take them as many times as you need, and are able to view your questions and answers to see what you might have missed. 
Not sure how to get there? Visit this article to learn how to find it. 

Call the team

Our team of Solutions Consultants is here to help answer any questions you may have. Stuck on something that doesn't make sense to you? Our team can help to clear that up.

Think you're ready? Register for the Exam

Our certifications team will get back to you with any helpful feedback from your exam that might help you in the future. Take the leap, and register for your exam here.
If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908.  We will be happy to help.