When generating report links for your clients, you can now customize even further to create an ideal experience. When creating a link, you will have an option for HTML (the previous available option), or Markdown, which gives you a text editor in IDS
What changed?
Without getting unnecessarily technical, we added a different method of coding your message into the system. Previously we only had the option of using HTML code to format your messages
The new markdown option allows for a more traditional editing toolbar to be available to you.
You will have the options of BOLD, Italic, Bullet Points, Numbered Lists, and more.
The image below shows what the new text entry field will look like, as well as how you can manually enter formatting commands if you prefer.
Two big changes that are now available in this are the ability to add links to your welcome message with this command:
[Message you want hyperlinked](website URL including https:\\)
and the option to insert images into the message with the command:

Additionally, with a preview on the right side of your screen, you can now see how the message will look on www.ttisurvey.com in real time, so you can make it look just how you want it to look.
If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908. We will be happy to help.