How are the Driving Characteristics paragraphs structured?

All three Driving (Forces) Characteristics paragraphs address the top 6 of 12 drivers. When you understand how the paragraphs are structured, you can identify the referenced driver, allowing you to easily debrief your client.

Paragraph 1 Structure: 

The first paragraph has the most explanation around the first and second drivers; then, the explanation tapers until you come to the sixth driving force. 

1st driver

First three sentences

2nd driver

The next three sentences

3rd driver

The next two sentences

12DF New characteristics colors

  • Paragraph 1 Structure (cont): 

    4th driver

    The next two sentences

    5th driver

    The next sentence

    6th driver

    The last sentence

12DF New characteristics p2

Helpful Tip:

If a person agrees with the first paragraph, you can bypass the remaining paragraphs and confidently continue the debrief, as the top six drivers have now been addressed.


Paragraph 2 Structure: 

For the second paragraph, the top 6 drivers have two sentences each, starting with the first driver and ending with the sixth driver.


1st driver

Two sentences

2nd driver

Two sentences

3rd driver

Two sentences

4th driver

Two sentences

5th driver

Two sentences

6th driver

Two sentences


Paragraph 3 Structure: 

The third paragraph starts with the 6th driver, ends with the 1st driver, and ensures the last statement strongly resonates.


6th driver

One sentence

5th driver

One sentence

4th driver

One sentence

3rd driver

One sentence

2nd driver

Two sentences

1st driver

Two sentences


Helpful Tip: 

Practice identifying the drivers in the Driving Characteristics paragraphs; then check the Primary Cluster to validate your learning.


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