1. TTI SI Survey

Can an assessment be taken in another language?

Did you know that all TTI assessments are available to be taken in numerous languages? Well, they are! Please teach any client you may work with that does not natively speak English to select their native language for better results!

This will not change the language of the report in IDS. If you're a North America VAA, all TTI reports do not come in any languages other than English, Spanish-Americas (if translated and available), and French Canadian (if translated and available).


The language of the assessment is selected on www.ttisurvey.com, before they take the assessment.  When your client first accesses the link you send them they will see a page similar to this.

Assessment Language

In the upper right corner, marked with an arrow above, is a dropdown menu.  Clicking it will show a list of available languages.

Assessment Language2

Advise your client to select their native language and the rest of the assessment will be translated into that language, with the exception of your welcome message.

If you have any questions, or if something does not work, please reach out to our Partner Support Team member by clicking the chat button in the lower right corner, or call us at (800) 869-6908.  We will be happy to help.